
Indiana’s Attorney General is Way Off Base.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill recently made some very incorrect statements about the relegalization of Cannabis in the Hoosier state. Let’s shovel up these bull droppings.

First, let’s talk about the Endocannabinoid System. We have a system in the human body that responds only to components of Cannabis, which essentially means all animals are hard wired for cannabinoid intake. This is a simple but accurate description:

Mr. Hill starts out by citing National Institute on Drug Abuse reports of one in six Cannabis users develop an addiction to Cannabis. NIDA bases this number on the number of people entering drug treatment programs. Most of the people entering treatment are court ordered in lieu of going to jail.

In other words, Cannabis prohibition causes most of program admissions. Other studies show that those one in 10 who have an “Addiction” are more habitual users rather than having a chemically induced craving. According to addiction is: “the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

Any withdrawal from Cannabis use has been proven to be less traumatic than cessation of drinking coffee. Mr. Hill is playing a word game with the word “Addiction,” as do others who have ulterior motives for wanting Cannabis kept illegal (read: Money)

Next Mr. Hill claims Cannabis causes memory loss, insinuating that if you use Cannabis you won’t remember a thing ever again. The facts are that we as humans in a very complex society are prone to forget some things anyway.

Hill seems to be bent on using disproven or otherwise very flawed studies. While more research is needed, and there is some evidence that adolescent use of Cannabis does impair some academic achievement, there are many more questions to be asked. What about the other factors in life that impair learning, like the quality of our education system, the home environment of children, their nutritional deficits. Consider also that those who sell Cannabis on the black market don’t check I.D’s.

In the eight states that have relegalized for personal use are strictly enforcing the age 21 limit. Mr. Hill should be much more concerned about the impact of alcohol and tobacco on kids.

Driving is an activity that causes great concern for all of us, but studies over the past 30 years have not shown any results even close to what Hill claims. There is, at this time, no reliable test to show that a driver is currently “Impaired” by Cannabis. Metabolites from Cannabis might stay in the body for months after using it whereas altered consciousness from Cannabis can last for up to four hours. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has assembled a compendium of research showing that Cannabis is nowhere near the demon Mr. Hill makes it out to be. Further:

Mr. Hills assertion about increased crime surrounding Cannabis is extraordinary. Cannabis is illegal in Indiana. Of course there’s “Crime” connected to it. Relegalize, bring the market above ground where quality can be assured and prices are set and fair and if there is a dispute, it can be resolved in a court of law. Currently, poor product, thefts, and violence are all part of the “Black market.” By the way, violent crime has dropped in the eight states that have relegalized. What Cannabis-connected crime does happen is caused by banking regulations that forbid Cannabusinesses from using bank accounts, credit card, and other instruments, forcing them to keep large amounts of cash on hand. Prohibition is the cause, not the worn out canards leftover from “Reefer Madness” days.

Attorney General Hill even brings up the now completely debunked “Gateway Theory” when, in fact, Cannabis has been shown to be more of an “Exit” substance. Areas where Cannabis is legally available are showing 25% reductions in opioid abuse.

Mr. Hill’s statements on medical Cannabis are completely off-base. Cannabis medicines have been repeatedly shown to be effective against many diseases including cancer. Cannabis medicines have also been shown to work much better for many diseases when the whole-plant compounds are used.

As Indiana’s top lawyer, Mr. Hill should be more competent in his research. I have to wonder if Mr. Hill is more concerned about the money Hoosier prosecutors put into their own coffers from continuing Cannabis prohibition rather than the welfare of our citizens.

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